Louis 'Joxe' Jaofeno
Sambava, Madagascar
Louis 'Joxe' Jaofeno is originally from Ambohitralanana in the Cap Est region, which is the eastern most point of Madagascar adjacent to Masoala National Park. He grew up spending time in and around Marojejy National Park and Anjanaharibe-Sud Special Reserve, where his older brother worked. He attended the University of Diego Suarez, majoring in English and Tourism, and later he received an opportunity to attend the University of Western Ontario where he lived and studied for part of a year.
More recently, Joxe was the Executive Director of the Regional Tourism Office of SAVA, based in Sambava. Joxe has an in-depth understanding of how ecotourism can be a strong asset to conservation efforts in rural areas. In 2015 he joined Duke Lemur Center SAVA Conservation and worked as Duke’s Environmental Education Coordinator. Since the start of 2016, he has been working for the Lemur Conservation Foundation and implements LCF’s conservation projects in Madagascar. Joxe is married and has one son.
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